The Alternate Dave Rheaume...Round Three
Well, it's happened again...somebody has approached me about a "Dave Rheaume" painting that they've found themselves in possession of. This time it was a woman from Illinois who sent along this jpeg and was wondering if it was one of mine. Since it wasn't, I immediately thought of my afore-blogged-about alter-ego "Dave Rheaume" artist. It wasn't at all like the other two, but then again there's been little continuity in his subject matter in the pieces I've seen to this point. This one, of any of them, has been the closest to something that I would have painted myself. The signature isn't much of a clue, though it seems to have the functional roughness of the previous ones. I of course asked for details on her purchase, and it turns out she picked it up at a Salvation Army outlet in Venice Florida. This perfectly fits the emerging pattern. The first two paintings in the puzzle surfaced in Florida and North Carolina respective...