"Here in My Car..."
Let it never be said that I was much of a car guy. I'm not that dude that would spend his weekends lying in the driveway working on my car's undercarriage or lovingly buffing Turtle Wax into the hood. I know how to check the oil, replace wiper blades, and change a tire. That is the pathetic extent of my knowledge of the functional parts of an automobile. Cars simply haven't caught my attention beyond their basic ability to provide transport from A to B. And yet...the more I paint them...the more and more I'm struck by their ample aesthetic appeal. If you are a lover of history, and want to paint historical paintings, you end up depicting things that you would never bother painting in a million years on their own. Telegraph wires. Ads on buildings. Streetcar lines. Spokes on wheels. Horses. And of course, cars. Far from being a burdensome task, rendering cars has become one of my more pleasurable ones. I love the s...